Backyard Battalion Head Swap Conversions

My first set of Backyard Battalion figures designed by Reis O’Brien were such interesting and distinctive characters to paint that when it came to painting my second set of Backyard Battalion figures, I wanted to avoid duplicating figures where I can.

So a couple of trial head swaps were possible with some of the more loosely attached heads.

Gently twisting these heads off seemed easier and less damaging than hacksawing!

I regrafted or attached head swaps using a finely drilled hole in both the old neck and new head, into which I glued a short wire pin (attached with super glue).

Any gaps or joins were filled by small amounts of tissue paper glued in place with UHU glue, this works well enough with such casual baggy kid clothes

As you can see, an arm swap for ‘binoculars Kid’ from ‘grenade Kid’, who also had the head-swap with SMG Kid.

Head swaps for part of the medic teams

Next job is painting these figures to fit into their blue or red gangs as needed.

I hope that you and Reis O’Brien likes what I have done to alter or redesign his Backyard Battalion figures.


Previous Backyard Battalion posts by Mark Man Of TIN

Blog posted by Mark Man Of TIN, 21 June 2024

6 thoughts on “Backyard Battalion Head Swap Conversions”

  1. Excellent work Mark. Simple but most effective and adds individuality to the second bad figures. I will remember the head twisting technique, one l have used successfully with other conversions in the past. I do hope you continue this work and end up with a unique set. Are you thinking of other minor equipment changes too?


    1. Thanks Alan. I have done the easy conversions on the second batch. Some of the other figures will be harder to convert as they are hard plastic and much more chunky head and arm connections. Equipment on the two snipers is probably interchangeable. The stretcher bearers with ring hands can carry other weapons or equipment. They would be a fascinating Range as head plug swoppets.
      I look forward to seeing what you do with yours!


    1. Thanks Roger. I wasn’t sure if I could do a unique conversion for all the figures but there are a few other minor variants of swopped headgear etc. for any future figure hackers.


  2. These look excellent, Mark! You were exceedingly brave to try the whole thing, but twisting the head off… Nerves of steel! Perhaps I’ll buy another set and give it a try.


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